
                                  Sep. 哔咔漫画用免费加速器, 能上picacg的梯子 02:45 pm
                                  urocyon: Grey fox crossing a stream (Default)
                                  One that actually has a lot to do with why I haven't been keeping up very well here (or much of anywhere else) lately:

                                  Yep, I’m disabled. Pfft.

                                  There's a bit of a backlog, but the last couple were also disability-related:

                                  Forgetting to eat, and food insecurity

                                  Early update: Forgetting to eat, and food insecurity

                                  That kind of sneaked up on me again. But, not too surprisingly, a number of the brainfoggy things seem to be improving a bit after just a little while of making sure to eat regularly. *facepalm*